Januar 29, 2014


This is simplicity. ha! Three years ago I started drinking coffee. 
Before that time I can really tell you that I hated it. But tastes change, and there was a time when I had less sleep and stay awake. So I started with much milk and strong espresso. Since last year I am a happy owner of this treasure. Every morning starts with this very slowly ritual doing it the best I can. The machine needs 30 minutes for having the best temperature, so the first thing after standing up means 'turning it on'! :D

Januar 13, 2014

First Fleamarket this year suprised us with it's clean sky, fresh air and the very best of the sun. What can be better to poke between antiques, dogs, furs, porcelain, currywurst and all kinds of people on a sunday morning? For me it is the perfect sunday if it's like that. And not enough, I found these very beautiful (self drawn and well printed on great paper) cards (you see in the last picture) from mme ulma in my post box today! ulma, thank you sooooo much! Your postcard set is pretty pretty cool I like it sooo much and the text and I think I will send them to myself hahah :D
Thank you so much! <3

Januar 06, 2014


Everything's new. Everything fine.
New year started with sun, birds, clean air, a morning walk and good mood.
wish you all a happy new year 2014!