Dezember 31, 2013

Wave Goodbye Monsieur December!

Can't believe december is gone. So much wind, rain, coldness but also warmth inside, yummy self-made christmas cookies, apple glogg, tradiotional christmas market, friends and family. The christmas tree is still shining and today we wave december and 2013 goodbye. Without snow unfortunetly but with a smile and the lust for 2014!
It was a happy yearfor us, travelling, kissing, getting married, becoming one family and looking for new adventures. So happy and thankful for what I have. Especially the close people around. The next year should only bring more time to spend it with the beloved ones.

This is my first and very last post for 2013.
Many happy moments in pictures from december who unfortunately forgot about snow here. 
For sure we will have some this march, when he stops by for a week or two :D hahaha 

Best new years wishes to you!!!
May 2014 bring you inner happiness that shines to the moon and back.
Thank you for visiting this place!

And this is an excerpt want to share. Only because christmas still is around and the most of you spent it with there famlies I guess...more or less happy I hope.

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Leo Tolstoi

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