YEAH, yesterday there was finally the 20.03.2014! Unfortunately today its more like rainy autumn here. So it feels much better that I took advantage of the sun with 20 degrees yesterday, starting my spring-cleaning outside on my loggia-balcony with repoting plants! There was much to do, but it was so great putting my hands into soil and seeing the plants going well. I would love to have a garden...but I am happy with my green, sun and plants on my loggia until I find my garden :D! Do you have yours?
eine loggia, mit der sich gartenlosigkeit verschmerzen lässt. welch prachtstück!
AntwortenLöschenhach, auch hier kein garten leiderleider. aber irgendwann. irgendwann ...
that's a lovely balcony you have there!
AntwortenLöschenunfortunately I don't have my own garden here but next week I'll move into a new place that has 2 little balcony's, will do my best to make them just as nice as yours :)